Saturday, December 31, 2011

Mummy, IMY.!

Got a phone call from my beloved mummy just now... ;)
Once I picked up the phone,
Mom: hahahahahahahaha...
Me: kenapa mama ketawa..???
Mom: Saje suka2... hahahahahaha.

*Mommy you were actualy calling to hear my voice because daddy tell you that I'm not well kan*

Me: Macam2 lah mama neyh.. Hehehehehe...
Mom: tak keluar ke malam new year?
Me: takdelah..dah nak exam.. Duk umah je baca buku..
Mom: Baguslah..tayah la ikut jejak langkah remaja2 tak berfaedah tu..
Me: tayah risau lah..all this while pun my new year spend ngan mama kat umah kan..

*u taught us well mama. Now I'm glad I'm not one of those teenager that were so eager on celebrating new year eve outside with friends. So u don't have to worry about me here*

Mom: baguslah. hahahaha.. Dgr kate muka kene kaut dgn jentolak..??

*mummy is being so sarcastic! Perli saya because of those pimples on my face!*

Mom: Are u ok? dengar kata tak sihat?
Me: eqa ok la ma. Biasa lah demam sikit tuh..cuaca skang kan ta menentu..
Mom: Ye lahh..banyakkan rehat.. jaga kesihatan...Bila nak balek?? hahahahahahaha

*Did u really miss me that much mom? Sabar ehh.. Another 2 weeks that I'll be with you.*

Me: HEheheheeh..RIndu ke? lagi 2 minggu balek lah...
Mom: *gelak lagi* Hahahahahaha.. ok2.. Eh dah ade calon ke?
Me: Takde lagi ma. tunggu lah nanti cari sorg ala2 ustaz tuk jadi menantu mama
Mom:: Tu lah doa mama hari2...
Me:: Hahahahahahaha.. Mama..mama...
Mom: k lah mama nak tdo dah neyh..
Me:: ok ma.. Love you. Night.

Hey mom. I know all the laughed were to hide you worriness about my condition right? Don't worry. I'm all fine here. The idea of being able to reunite with you in another 2 weeks had actually make me become stronger. And insyaALLAH all your prayers will keep me accompany and make me become better. I do love you and miss you much too. Lots of love. Eqa. :)

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