Sunday, December 25, 2011

I've decided to write about u. :)

I suddenly feel like wanna share about this one little friend of mine. With the current condition of my house yang dah mcm kelab malam. I can hardly revised or study. So I take this little time to write something about you. My dear friend. The one who never failed to cheer me up. :)

She who seems ignorance.
She who lived in her own world of famish.
She who never care about the outside world.
She who always be in front of her lappy.
She who never show her love towards her friends.
But she who never failed to make me smile
She who never failed to make me laugh.
She who never failed to be there when I need someone.
She who never failed to be there when I wanna cry.
She who never failed to be a friend.
A real friend.
A true friend.
Indeed. She have all my respects.
Yes darling.
I'm talking about you.
This is everything that I wanna tell you.
I hope you will read it until the very end.

*I'm out of words* Actually I'm writing this right after I call her and knocked myself out. There is at certain limit I feel like she is too good to be one of my friend. Even I can't be as cool as she was. I only have these words to thanks her for everything that she had offered to me. Sorry dear friend. You know me well. Right? If I'm right in front of you. All this word were like so geli2 for us kan? But this is my true feeling. I really wanna tell you. But I don't know how. So writing all my feeling down is the only way that I could think of. I know this might not be good enough as compared to the pure friendship that you had offered me all this time. But I'm trying my best to be one of bestfriend of yours. I'm trying really hard. :)

And as time passes by, I realized that our friendship worth everything in the world that I should fight for. And insyaALLAH as long as I'm given the chances to lived in this wonderful world, I'll stay there as you friend. As long as you want me to. And I hope you feel the same about this. Because losing one valuable friend like you is the last thing that I ever wished to happen for me. And I will always pray that those time will not going to come because I'm praying that this friendship that we started as stranger will continue to grow. In this life, and in jannah insyaALLAH. Semoga persahabatan ini akan terus kekal. Sampai syurga insyaALLAH. :)

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