Friday, April 15, 2011


ape yg compulsory n ape yg tak? haha.

1. compulsOry meh nak update status tiap2 sepuluh minit?

2. CompuLsory meh to write rubbish in u blog? (own's Opinion!)

3. Compulsory meh nak konon2 canang kebahagian kekeluargaan? (this one funny)

4. Compulsory meh to write every step ur boyfie do in the FB?

5. Compulsory meh show of?

haaaa..answer me! is all that compulsory. i had been thinking for half days n didnt get the answer.

No need kottttttt.. *panjangnye! try to imagine my lips saying that kotttt* haha

if there is news or update yg all people wanna hear / had been waiting ok la. neyy.. haihhhhh,,

guna kan kemudahan Internet dgn sebijaknye! Jangan bazirkan laluan traffic internet dgn post benda2 yang mengarut carut! *mentang2 la dak it kan.haha*

ok? ala paham kaaa??

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