Friday, July 6, 2012

It happen past 16 years.

So, where to start? Past 16 years, I was a 6 years old budak-penuh-hingus go to kindergarten sitting on behind of daddy's bike. *that bicycle still exist, and being used up until now* ceritanya dah boleh masuk Museum dah. Hohoho. Past 16 years, I was a small lil kid. I remember this one memory when mommy was about to send me to the Tadika Islam, and I purposely kicked one glass bottle. Mula-mula mama marah and nagging. But I didnt feel anything yet sampai masa dah dekat Fardhu Ain tu, baru bukak kasut, Ya ALLAH, pecah ibu jari kaki masuk kaca. Bertambah2 pulak pedihnyaa..haiyaaa... Pastu Mama nak membebel pun tak jadi. So why I'm telling this now is sbb tengah potong kuku kaki, then terpandang ibu jari kaki yang dah takde perasaan takde feel apa2 tuh. Haish. Sebab kejadian tu lah yang ibu jari saya up until now takde rasa. Kuku pun pertumbuhan paling lambat!

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