Sunday, September 4, 2011


I ain't pretty. I am neither beauty. I don't have the perfect figure. I speak bluntly and often regretting it too late. I ain't photogenic. And I think myself can't find more comfortable places other then being with my family and those lovely friends of mine. I don't have those creative hobbies like drawing or doing arts. I just do what I feel to do on that very own time. Don't say that I'm wasting my times. Because only me knowing either I'm wasting it or fully using it. I ain't that ignorance that I don't know my own fault. I think I'm big enough to differentiate right and wrong. To tell the black and white. I just sincerely living life. Doing sincere things that sometimes hurting others. And for that I AM TRULY SORRY.. Here again I'm speaking my mind out. Just doing some self-reflection. And realizing all this things. Actually I realize it long ago. But then I am too hypocrite to keep telling my self I am not who I am. I'm ashamed of it. Until today come. And I think I had gathered enough strength to make this confession. I should accept who am I and continue living life as it was fated to me. And in the path, continue to repair all those hole that I left before. So that one day, this humble life of mine would be perfect insyaALLAH...

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